Recreatiepark De Wielen
On the park

Starts at

Monday 22 July 2024, 09:00

Ends at

Sunday 28 July 2024, 16:00

Get your swimming diploma in one week / Turbo week

Book a stay at our park and let your child obtain an official swimming diploma in 1 week.  The lessons are from Monday 22 to Sunday 26 July in the swimming pool on  the park. The swim will take place on Sunday, July 28 in the swimming pool at the park. In bad weather, lessons are given in an indoor swimming pool nearby. The bathing water has a minimum temperature of 23 degrees. There are betting suites available.

The costs are € 250 per child.

Conditions to participate in the A diploma Turbo week
Your child needs good basic swimming skills to obtain the A diploma. An A diploma cannot be guaranteed if basic skills are insufficient.

Conditions to participate in the B and C diploma Turbo week

A swimming diploma A is required to participate in the Turbo Week swimming diploma B. A B diploma is guaranteed if all our lessons have been followed.

A swimming diploma B is required to participate in the Turbo Week swimming diploma C. A C diploma is guaranteed if all our lessons have been followed.

The lessons are given by the very experienced swimming teacher Eva Mengers:

You can register directly with her or complete the form below. Eva will contact you about this.

Registration form: Get your swimming diploma in one week / Turbo week 

How many hours has your child had swimming lessons?
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Swimming certifications